Infineum first sustainability report

Sustainability - 22 April 2021

As millions of people around the world promote awareness of a healthy environment on Earth Day, Infineum is proud to share its first corporate Sustainability report.

Infineum is a specialty chemicals company whose purpose is to create a sustainable future through innovative chemistry and this report is an important milestone for the organisation. It has been developed in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and includes our sustainability agenda, targets, and path to creating a more sustainable future. It also sets out some of the progress we already have made and details our sustainability goals and targets for 2025.

These new ambitions build on many years of activity to improve environmental and social performance. By detailing our 2025 targets, this report is bringing clarity to Infineum’s ambitions on many fronts, including HSE, product development, supply chains, operations, colleagues and community.

The world is changing quickly. The pace of change has never been as fast as it is today, yet will never be this slow again. We must all embrace sustainability in order to maintain our quality of life as human beings, to retain the diversity of life on Earth and to enable the Earth’s ecosystems to thrive.

Innovative chemistry has a vital role to play in this and, in our particular industry, we must provide the products needed on the journey towards the electrification of mobility while at the same time helping to make the internal combustion engine as clean as it can be. I am pleased to be introducing our first sustainability report, in which we share details of how we are driving towards that purpose. We are making lots of progress, but we know we have a way to go.
Trevor Russell, Infineum CEO
I have a vision of Infineum being an organisation that markets innovative products to solve the sustainability challenges of the world. This report begins to outline how we are making that vision a reality and I am incredibly proud to be publishing this on Earth Day.
Maurizio Abbondanza, Infineum Technology & Sustainability Director

Start to create a sustainable future through innovative chemistry