Turnaround of our Vado site completed with zero safety incidents

Safety - 11 June 2024

Employees at our site in Vado, Italy have successfully carried out a plant turnaround with all inspections and maintenance work completed safely with no incidents.

Turnaround (TA) is a rejuvenation exercise where a production unit is shut down to perform equipment cleaning and maintenance activities. Completion of these activities allows the unit to perform safely and at maximum capacity and efficiency.

In line with the Infineum safety process and Italian Law, our employees worked together to complete over 150 inspections and 179 construction activities.

Everything was completed safely in three weeks –  32,000 hours, achieving our goal of Nobody Gets Hurt.

Marco Giorcelli, Manufacturing Manager, Italy, says, “This TA confirmed that exceptional results can be achieved when there is true sharing of objectives. Experiences like this make Infineum and our employees stronger and more ready for future challenges, as we remain committed to the safety and well-being of the communities we are located in.

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