Roberta Chiesura at LogiChem helping to drive change in our industry

DEI - 20 3 月 2023

Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) and best practice in collaborative logistics procurement to help increase supply reliability for our customers, were the subjects that our Global Procurement Manager Roberta Chiesura discussed as part of two panels at LogiChem, Europe’s leading chemical supply chain event.

Roberta said: “Ensuring that we have a presence at influential events in our industry is important for Infineum and ultimately our customers who will benefit from the best practices we learn, as well as the collaborative partnerships that are formed.

“More importantly, I was so proud to be part of a discussion on DEI and to share some of the great things we’ve been doing to drive improvements at Infineum.”

In line with our sustainability approach, Roby shared how important diversity of thought is and that it leads to innovation, creativity and ultimately delivers increased profits, supported by a Harvard study she referenced. She went on to talk about how Infineum is investing in DEI and achieving equity in many ways.  With this event falling so close to International Women’s Day 2023, she gave examples of mentoring, STEM sessions at schools, work life balance and affinity groups, one of which is set up for women.

Roberta commented: “It is so important to recognise our conscious bias and take steps to discover our unconscious bias, embrace both and remove them as much as possible.  We all have a role to play in making this a reality at work and in all aspects of our lives.”

LogiChem has also recognised the importance of achieving gender parity at their events, and Stephanie Wright LogiChem Board member (pictured below with Roberta) said:“I am passionate about bringing women into the chemical industry and have worked with the event team to ensure we are attracting more women to attend.

“I am pleased to say we have increased the attendance of women from around 5% to almost 30% over the last 7 years.  Having a larger percentage of women speakers is an important part of this, so having speakers like Roberta, is fantastic.”

In Roberta’s other panel discussion, she highlighted the importance of strong strategic partnering to ensure we meet customer requirements, especially through challenging times.  In addition, she talked about how an expanded supplier portfolio can help with business continuity.  She closed by sharing details of the journey towards procurement excellence, which is an essential part of Infineum’s transformation into a sustainable specialty chemicals company.

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