Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

STEM - 10 February 2023

Saturday 11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in science (IDWGIS), an event launched eight years ago by the United Nations to raise awareness of the significant gender gap at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines all over the world.

As part of our sustainability approach, we aim both to inspire more young people into a career in STEM and support women to have a successful and gratifying career without putting their work-life balance at stake. In 2020 only 27% of STEM students were female and the gap is not expected to close unless action is taken.

So, we felt it was important to mark the IDWGS to make it clear where we stand.

Three of our female senior leaders celebrated the event by sharing their experiences of pursuing a career in STEM.

Strategic Supply and Global Engineering Director Lynn Cusack, Global IT Director Felicia Tan, and Corporate Strategy Director Nicki Pickup talk about their passion for STEM, their challenges, and achievements with the aim of setting an example for young girls interested in studying those subjects. Moreover, they wanted to reassure everyone that it is possible to be a woman, and a mother and enjoy a successful career in STEM.

They all share the view that supporting women in their careers is a win-win for both employers and staff and recognise that Infineum’s culture and flexibility have been instrumental for them to become leaders in their fields.

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